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MegaIgG2000™️ is a dairy-free immunoglobulin concentrate that supports healthy detoxification and maintains healthy gut barrier function. Unlike other milk-derived immunoglobulins on the market, Mega IgG2000 is derived from bovine serum, making it lactose-free, casein-free, and β-lactoglobulin-free.


Immunoglobulin G (IgG), the most abundant antibody in the system, can be found in blood and extracellular fluid, allowing it to control infections in the body. 


IgG antibodies can bind a variety of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, as well as their toxic by-products. Binding these toxins will neutralize them and allow the immune system to safely remove them from the body.


MegaIgG2000™️ supports a healthy mucosal immune system by decreasing immune activation and strengthening gut barrier function.*

MegaIgG2000 for Immune Support

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